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Raw Food Questioneer

[ If you have already completed this part of the survey but not the second click here. ] [ Main ]

This is a questionnaire designed to identify areas of connection between dietary habits and spiritual practice. You do not need to eat a certain diet or have a certain spiritual faith to participate. Your efforts will be of great assistance in this endeavor. The survey should not take more than 20 mins to complete. You can come back to complete the second and third part if time so dictates. Remember that your answers will remain completely confidential. Contact information will is only for verification purposes, unless you indicate otherwise. It will definitely not be used for bulk e-mailings. Please aspire to be as honest in your answers as possible, no matter how much you may believe in the diet you consume, don't exaggerate its benefits because in the long run your honest input will be the most helpful to others.

You should use your mouse or TAB key to move from field to field within the form. Some browsers may cause the form to be submitted prematurely if you use the ENTER key.

Email Address:
Phone Number:
1. Of your current diet, estimate what % is fresh, raw/ uncooked vegan foods?
2. How long have you consumed a primarily raw vegan diet? Indicate months or years.
5. *
6. Before making any positive lifestyle changes, approximately how often did you experience the common cold per year? *
7. What is your dietary goal of fresh raw/uncooked vegan foods?
8. If you still consume some cooked food, how often?
9. In what forms?
Steamed veggies
Baked potatoes/veggies
Cooked grain products
accidental/ unknown ingredient
10. If you find yourself going off of the raw diet, what are the reasons you do so?
Ignorance/thought certain food products were raw
Food availability
11. Did you first attempt to embrace a vegetarian or vegan diet before discovering raw foods?
12. If yes, were you successful?
13. How long did you eat that way before going raw?
14. Was there a serious health problem that lead you to improve your lifestyle?
15. If so which one(s)?
Heart Disease
Other mental health challenge
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Eating disorder
16. Has this condition cleared up as a result of your lifestyle changes?
17. Indicate changes in the following conditions related to dietary improvements using a scale from one to ten, with one being much worse, 5 no change, and 10 complete rejuvenation. Heart problems:
18. Vision problems
19. Respitatory disorders, asthma, pnemonia
20. Sinus problems, allergies
21. Joint pain, arthritis
22. Digestive disorders
23. Insomnia
24. Skin problems
25. Muscle tightness
26. Headaches
27. Mental illness
28. Menstrual/reproductive problems
29. Sugar metabolic disorders
30. Have you experienced a change in your weight? How much?
31. Stop and take a deep breath before continuing!
34. Now how often do you experience the common cold?
35. Do you currently take prescription drugs?
36. Have you taken them anytime in the past 5 years?
37. How has your consumption changed since making positive lifestyle changes?
38. Do you currently take over the counter medication?
39. Have you anytime in the past five years?
40. Has your consumption been influenced by adopting a raw food diet?
41. Do you consume recreational drugs currently?
42. If yes has your consumption changed since adopting a raw diet?
44. Do you smoke cigarettes
45. Have you in the past five years?
46. If yes has your consumption:
47. Do you currently drink alcohol?
48. If yes has your consumption changed since improving your diet?
49. Do you currently consume caffeine (coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, etc.)
50. If yes, has your coffee consumption been affected by your change in diet?
51. Sit straight, belly breathing, through the nose
52. Do you currently consume refined sugars?
53. Have you consumed refined sugar in the past five years?
54. Has your consumption of refined sugar been affected by changing your diet?
55. For the next series of questions average your consumption for the past year. If you would eat something but super rarely put 1 or 2 %. Of your current diet estimate by calories what % is meat, chicken, or fish:
56. dairy and eggs:
57. beans (include sprouted)
58. grain products (include sprouted/dehydrated)
59. nuts and seeds (include nut butters and tahini
60. root vegetables:
61. leafy green vegetables (include green sprouts):
62. sea vegetables:
63. fatty fruits (avocado, durian, young coconut)
64. Non-sweet fruits (tomato, cucumber)
65. All other fruits
66. Approximately what % of your diet is organically grown?
67. What % is locally grown?
68. What % do you grow or harvest yourself? Include sprouting.
69. Where do you live?
70. Which climate do you live in?
71. If northern how does your diet change with the seasons?
Seasonal produce availability
More nuts and seeds in cold weather
More dried fruit ing cold weather
More vegetables in cold weather
More spicy foods in cold weather
No change
72. Do you eat oils? Include cold pressed oils such as olive, flax, and coconut.
73. Do you eat cured olives?
74. Do you use added salt in your food?
75. Has your use of salt changed as you stay on a raw diet?
76. Do you include stimulating spices such as garlic, onion, mustard seeds, or hot peppers in your diet?
77. Has your use of spices changed?
78. Do you include fresh pressed/extracted juices other than citrus in your regular diet?
79. How many times do you eat in a typical day?
80. About how many foods do you include in a typical meal? (include salt, spices, and different varieties of fruits and vegetables each as a separate food) Morning meals?
81. mid-day?
82. Evening?
83. Do you take any of the following supplements?
Green super foods
Minerals including colloidal
Herbal powders
84. Has your use of supplements changed since adopting a raw diet?
85. How often do you experience the following? Anger?
86. Depression?
87. Confusion:
88. A sense of well-being
89. Feeling of connection
90. Distraction/Inability to concentrate
91. Inclination to meditate
92. Belief in God/ higher power
93. Peace
94. Suicidal thoughts
95. Love
96. Bliss/Ecstasy
97. Violent feelings/ behaviors
98. Gratitude
99. Have you ever felt very close to a powerful, spiritual force that seemed to lift you out of yourself?
100. Have you ever had a moment of sudden spiritual/religious awakening or insight?
101. According to ancient scriptures there are five classifications of the mind. Please rate yourself honestly.
My mind is never calm, being constantly tossed on the sea of worldliness
My mind id always clouded by such dominant passions as anger, lust, vanity, covetousness, etc.
My mind is often clouded as in the second state, but I do have occasional lucid intervals.
My mind is steadily centered on one worthy object, avoiding the losing of itself in the whirl of the gross world.
I exist in a state in which the mind has no external or internal wants, but is supremely happy: a potential, immovable state.
102. If you practice any form of yoga or meditation please complete the following section: How many years have you practiced yoga or other spiritual discipline?
103. Indicate which style/s you mainly practice:
Power yoga
Other form of Hatha Yoga
Tantra Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
Zen Buddhist Meditation
Vipassana Meditation
Tai Chi
Chi Gung
Walking meditation
Tibetian five rights
Intuitive movement/dance
104. How many days a week on average do you practice?
105. How long do you practice on an average day?
106. Do you include any of the following in your regular routine?
Silent meditation
Hatha yoga asanas
Mantra japa
Reading spiritual literature
One pointed concentration
Deep relaxation
Guided visualization
Eye exercises
Internal cleansing practices
Group prayer
107. Have you noticed your ability to stick with your chosen dietary patterns improved by consistent practice?
108. How much does what you eat affect the quality of your practice?
109. Has your practice brought to awareness any specific food sensitivities/allergies?
No it hasn't
Fried foods
Cooked foods
All animal products
Refined sugar
Refined grains
Refined oils
Conventionally grown foods
Hybridized or seedless fruits
Dried foods
Too many nuts/seeds
Genetically modified foods
Artificial ingredients
* denotes required field
Thank you for your time. Please feel free to share this survey with other raw fooders, especially individuals who have been eating a raw vegan diet for at least seven years. I wish I had a virtual piece of juicy ripe fruit to offer you in gratitude.

[ If you have already completed this part of the survey but not the second click here. ] [ Main ]


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